1415 lines
38 KiB
1415 lines
38 KiB
var MANIFEST = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
//var INFOBAR = chrome.infobars || (chrome.experimental && chrome.experimental.infobars);
var isDebug = (compressFunc + '').indexOf("false") !== -1;
var bv = window.external.LiebaoGetVersion && window.external.LiebaoGetVersion() || /Chrome\/([\d\.]+)/i.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1];
var entry12306 = false;
var log = (function () {
var fun = function () {
this.print = function () {
/// <summary>向控制台打印消息</summary>
if (!isDebug) return;
console.log.apply(console, $.makeArray(arguments));
return this;
return new fun();
function compressFunc() {
return false;
var notification = (function () {
var notify = function () {
var __ = this;
var notifyMap = {};
this.mapParam = function (opts) {
return {
type: opts.type || "basic",
title: opts.title || "提示",
message: opts.message || "",
iconUrl: opts.iconUrl || "/icons/icon_n.png",
//contextMessage: opts.contextMessage || "",
priority: opts.priority || 0,
eventTime: opts.eventTime || null,
buttons: _.map(opts.buttons, function (e) {
return { title: e.title, iconUrl: e.iconUrl || "/icons/icon_16.png" };
}) || null,
imageUrl: opts.imageUrl || null,
items: _.map(opts.items, function (e) {
return { title: e.title, message: e.message };
}) || null//,
//progress: opts.progress || null,
//isClickable: opts.isClickable || true
__.create = function (opts) {
var opt = __.mapParam(opts);
var id = opts.id || "";
chrome.notifications.create(id, opt, function (_id) {
notifyMap[_id] = opts;
opts.id = _id;
opts.update = function () {
opts.clear = function () {
__.update = function (opts) {
var opt = __.mapParam(opts);
chrome.notifications.update(opts.id, opt, function () {
opts.onUpdate && opts.onUpdate.apply(opts, $.makeArray(arguments));
__.clear = function (id) {
chrome.notifications.clear(id, function () {
opts.onClear && opts.onClear.apply(opts, $.makeArray(arguments));
__.getAll = function (callback) {
__.getPermissionLevel = function (callback) {
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function (id) {
var opts = notifyMap[id];
if (opts === undefined || opts === null) return;
if ($.isFunction(opts.onClick)) {
chrome.notifications.onClosed.addListener(function (id, byUser) {
var opts = notifyMap[id];
if (opts === undefined || opts === null) return;
if ($.isFunction(opts.onClose)) {
opts.onClose.apply(this, [byUser]);
chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(function (id, index) {
var opts = notifyMap[id];
if (opts === undefined || opts === null) return;
var button = opts.buttons && opts.buttons[index];
if (!button || !$.isFunction(button.onClick)) return;
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (m, sender) {
if (m.action === "showNotification")
{ message: m.detail.message, title: m.detail.title, iconUrl: m.detail.iconUrl }
else if (m.action === "notify") __.create(m.detail);
else if (m.action === "attention" && sender.tab) {
chrome.tabs.update((m.detail && m.detail.tabid) || sender.tab.id, { active: true, highlighted: true });
chrome.windows.update((m.detail && m.detail.windowid), { drawAttention: true, focused: true, state: "maximized" });
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (m, sender) {
if (!m || !m.action)
if (m.action === "attention" && sender.tab) {
chrome.tabs.update((m.detail && m.detail.tabid) || sender.tab.id, { active: true, highlighted: true });
chrome.windows.update((m.detail && m.detail.windowid), { drawAttention: true, focused: true, state: "maximized" });
return new notify();
//#region 系统配置处理
var CFG_MANGER = (function () {
function manager() {
var __ = this;
var loaded = false;
var lastUpdate = null;
var sleepTime = 1000 * 1200;
var timerId = null;
this.baseConfig = {
appendCacheTagHeader: true,
showRealSeatCount: true,
autoSubmitAfterVerifyCode: true,
autoLoginAfterVerifyCode: true,
rememberLoginUser: true,
rememberLoginPwd: true,
enableSoundPrompt: true,
enablePopupPrompt: true,
musicUrl: "http://static.liebao.cn/resources/audio/music2.ogg",
submitOrderDelay: 5,
refreshDelay: 5,
autoWaitToSell: true,
keepOnline: true,
blockDynamicJs: false,
enableRealTimeTicketQuery: true,
showTicketPrice: true,
otnAutoConfirmOrderDelay: 0,
dynamicAutoConfirmOrderDelay: 1000,
dynamicAutoSubmitOrderDelay: 5000,
otnAutoSubmitOrderDelay: 0,
enableServerAutoChange: true,
enableAutoCaptcha: true && typeof window.external.LieBaoSign === 'function',
autoCaptchaFailedLimit: 5,
captchaServerUrl: "http://api.12306.liebao.cn/code.php",
appendPriceUnit: true,
blockVcVerify: false,
blockQueueCount: false,
chatServerApi: "http://srv.12306.liebao.cn/room/list"
//if (isDebug)
// this.baseConfig.chatServerApi = "http://chatdev.fishlee.net/room/list";
this.sysConfig = {};
this.userConfig = { enableAutoCaptcha: false };
if (localStorage["sysConfig"])
this.sysConfig = $.extend(this.sysConfig, JSON.parse(localStorage["sysConfig"]));
if (localStorage["userConfig"])
this.userConfig = JSON.parse(localStorage["userConfig"]);
this.refresh = function () {
__.config = $.extend({}, __.baseConfig, __.userConfig, __.sysConfig);
this.isEnabled = function (tag) {
var msgHandler = function (m, s, r) {
if (m && m.action === 'enter12306') {
sleepTime = 20 * 60 * 1000;
//if (lastUpdate === null || (new Date() - lastUpdate) >= 20 * 60 * 1000)
// __.refreshConfig();
if (m && m.action === 'setUserConfig') {
__.userConfig = $.extend({}, __.userConfig, m.detail);
__.config = $.extend({}, __.baseConfig, __.userConfig, __.sysConfig);
localStorage["userConfig"] = JSON.stringify(__.userConfig);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "sysConfigUpdate", detail: __.config });
loaded = true;
return this;
var mm = new manager();
var mmCallback = function (m, s, r) {
if (m.action === "getSysConfig") {
r({ action: "responseSysConfig", detail: mm.config });
if (m.action === "getBaseSysConfig") {
r({ action: "responseBaseSysConfig", detail: $.extend(mm.baseConfig, mm.sysConfig) });
return mm;
//#region 检测更新和更新通知
//TODO 检测更新
(function showNotificationIfUpdated() {
if (window.localStorage["cv"] != MANIFEST.version) {
window.localStorage["cv"] = MANIFEST.version;
title: "更新成功",
message: "您的订票助手已成功更新至 " + MANIFEST.version + " :-)"
//#region 对请求的处理
(function requestManager() {
var filter = {
urls: ["*://*.12306.cn/*"],
types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "stylesheet", "script", "image", "object", "xmlhttprequest", "other"]
var extraInfo = ["blocking", "requestHeaders"];
var autoEnableTrainClassRandom = function (url) {
var qtc = /trainClass=([^&]+)&/g.exec(url)[1];
var tc = qtc.replace(/%23/g, "#").split('#');
if (tc[0] == 'QB') return null;
var flags = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var t in tc) {
var code = tc[t];
if (code == 'D') flags[0] = 1;
else if (code == 'Z') flags[1] = 1;
else if (code == 'T') flags[2] = 1;
else if (code == 'K') flags[3] = 1;
else if (code == 'QT') flags[4] = 1;
var result = [];
var order = ["D", "Z", "T", "K", "QT"];
for (var i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
if (!flags[i])
flags[i] = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
if (flags[i])
var ntc = result.join("#") + "#";
return url.replace(qtc, escape(ntc));
function parseCookies(v) {
var arr = {};
v.split('; ').forEach(function (x) { var idx = x.indexOf("="); arr[x.substr(0, idx)] = x.substr(idx + 1); });
return arr;
function processRequest(details) {
var url = details.url;
var skipBlacklist = !CFG_MANGER.config.blockDynamicJs;
var newHeaders = {};
var newCookies = null;
var oldCookiesValue = null;
for (var i = 0; i < details.requestHeaders.length; ++i) {
var h = details.requestHeaders[i];
var name = h.name;
var value = h.value;
if (name === 'User-Agent') {
newHeaders[name] = "Mozilla/5.0 (MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0;)";
} else if (h.name == "TRefer") {
newHeaders["Referer"] = value;
} else if (h.name == "Referer") {
if (!newHeaders["Referer"] && value.indexOf("12306.cn") != -1)
newHeaders["Referer"] = value;
} else if (name === "Cookie") {
oldCookiesValue = value;
newHeaders["Cookie"] = value;
} else if (name.indexOf("Fish-") !== -1) {
name = name.substr(5);
if (name === "Cookie") {
newCookies = parseCookies(value);
} else {
if (!value) {
if (newHeaders[name])
delete newHeaders[name];
} else {
newHeaders[name] = value;
skipBlacklist = true;
} else if (!newHeaders[name]) {
newHeaders[name] = value;
if (newCookies) {
var oc = parseCookies(oldCookiesValue);
newCookies = _.extend({}, oc, newCookies);
newHeaders["Cookie"] = _.filter(_.map(newCookies, function (v, k) {
if (!v)
return "";
return k + "=" + encodeURIComponent((v));
}), function (v) { return v || false; }).join("; ");
if (!newHeaders["Cookie"]) {
delete newHeaders["Cookie"];
var headerCollection = [];
for (var i in newHeaders) {
headerCollection.push({ name: i, value: newHeaders[i] });
if (!skipBlacklist && $.isFunction(window.cbl)) {
if (window.cbl.call(details, url, newHeaders)) {
return { cancel: true };
if (CFG_MANGER.config.appendCacheTagHeader && url.indexOf("querySingleAction.do?method=queryLeftTicket") != -1) {
headerCollection.push({ name: "If-None-Match", value: Math.random() + "" });
headerCollection.push({ name: "Pragma", value: "No-cache" });
// return { requestHeaders: headerCollection, redirectUrl: autoEnableTrainClassRandom(details.url) };
return { requestHeaders: headerCollection };
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(processRequest, filter, extraInfo);
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function (data) {
//if (data.url.indexOf("querySingleAction.do?method=queryLeftTicket") != -1) {
// return { redirectUrl: autoEnableTrainClassRandom(data.url) };
//if (data.url.indexOf("indexAction.do") != -1 || /Action\.do\?method=[a-z\d]{1,3}$/i.test(data.url)) {
// return { cancel: true };
return null;
}, filter, ["blocking"]);
//#region 服务器测速
(function directAccessModule() {
/// <summary>服务器IP</summary>
//TODO: 由于目前猎豹后端并没有现有的云服务平台,并不支持.NET服务,所以暂时下架。
var valid = 0; //window.external.LieBaoLookupDnsAddress ? 1 : 0;
var enableDirectAccess = typeof (chrome.tabs.httpRequest) === "function";
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (m && m.action === "servervalid")
r({ valid: valid });
chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (m && m.action === "servervalid")
r({ valid: valid });
if (!valid)
var serviceUrl = "http://srv.12306.liebao.cn/web/cn12306/ipservice/getlist";
var reportUrl = "http://srv.12306.liebao.cn/web/cn12306/ipservice/update2";
var inupdateMode = false;
var serverStorage = {
count: 0,
valid: 0,
timeout: 0,
failed: 0,
lastUpdate: null,
validList: [],
status: 0,
enableDirectAccess: enableDirectAccess
var serverlist = [],
testedServer = [],
currentServer = {
"kyfw.12306.cn": { ip: null, speed: null }
//, "dynamic.12306.cn": { ip: null, speed: null }
//, "www.12306.cn": { ip: null, speed: null }
var servers = [
//{ host: "dynamic.12306.cn", url: "http://dynamic.12306.cn/otn/", count: 0 },
//{ host: "www.12306.cn", url: "http://www.12306.cn/otn/", count: 0 },
{ host: "kyfw.12306.cn", url: "https://kyfw.12306.cn/otn/", count: 0 }
serverIndex = 0;
var localDns = {}, initialChange = false;
(function () {
var messageCallback = function (message, sender, response) {
if (message && message.action) {
if (message.action === "getServerStatus") {
} else if (message.action === "getServerList") {
response(serverStorage.status == 2 ? _.flatten([testedServer, serverlist]) : []);
} else if (message.action === "getCurrentServer") {
var randomTake = function (list, count) {
if (!list || list.length <= count) return list;
var result = [];
var randomIndex;
while (result.length < count) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length);
result.push(list.splice(randomIndex, 1));
return result;
var loadFromServer = function () {
serverStorage.status = 1;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverStateChange", detail: { state: serverStorage.status } });
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "track", detail: { type: 90 } });
$.getJSON(serviceUrl).done(function (data) {
data = _.groupBy(data, function (e) { return e.host; });
for (var host in data) {
data[host] = randomTake(data[host], 100);
data = _.flatten(data);
serverlist = data;
serverStorage.count = data.length;
serverStorage.valid = serverStorage.timeout = serverStorage.failed = 0;
if (localDns) {
_.each(localDns, function (ips, host) {
_.each(ips, function (ip) {
serverlist.push({ host: host, ip: ip });
}).fail(function () {
setTimeout(loadFromServer, 1000 * 60 * 10);
var runServerTest = function () {
testedServer = [];
serverStorage.status = 2;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverStateChange", detail: { state: serverStorage.status } });
var serverTestEntry = function () {
if (serverlist.length) {
testServer(serverlist.splice(0, 1), serverTestEntry);
} else {
var ajaxWrapper = function (url, host) {
var def = new $.Deferred();
chrome.tabs.httpRequest(url, "User-Agent: MSIE 9.0\r\nHost: " + host, 3000, function (result) {
var resp = null;
try {
resp = JSON.parse(result);
} catch (e) {
if (!resp) {
def.reject(0, 'unknown error.');
var a = resp[0];
var b = resp[1];
var c = resp[2];
if (!a) {
if (b === 10001) {
def.reject(0, 'timeout');
} else {
def.reject(b, c);
} else {
def.resolve(c, b);
return def.promise();
var testServer = function (server, callback) {
server = server[0];
server.host = server.host || "kyfw.12306.cn";
var url = "https://" + server.ip + "/otn/";
var time = new Date();
ajaxWrapper(url, server.host).done(function (text) {
if (!text || text.indexOf("客运服务") !== -1)
server.speed = new Date() - time;
else {
server.speed = -2;
}).fail(function () {
server.speed = -1;
}).always(function () {
server.status = server.speed == -1 || server.speed == -2 ? -1 : server.speed > 1000 ? -2 : 1;
if (inupdateMode) {
if (server.status === -1) serverStorage.failed++;
else if (server.status === -2) serverStorage.timeout++;
else if (server.status === 0) serverStorage.timeout++;
else {
setTimeout(function () {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverTestResult", detail: server });
}, 100);
var filterServer = function () {
serverStorage.status = 3;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverStateChange", detail: { state: serverStorage.status } });
serverStorage.validList = _.groupBy(serverStorage.validList, function (e) {
return e.host;
_.each(serverStorage.validList, function (e, i, l) {
e.sort(function (x, y) {
if (x.speed === y.speed) return 0;
if (x.speed === -1 && y.speed !== -1) return 1;
if (x.speed !== -1 && y.speed === -1) return -1;
if (x.speed === 0 && y.speed !== 0) return 1;
if (x.speed !== 0 && y.speed === 0) return -1;
return x.speed - y.speed;
l[i] = e.splice(0, 20);
serverStorage.status = 0;
serverStorage.lastUpdate = new Date();
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverStateChange", detail: { state: serverStorage.status } });
if (inupdateMode) {
//更新模式, 提交速度报告
var data = [];
_.each(testedServer, function (e) {
var x = _.pick(e, 'ip', 'averageSpeed', 'host');
x.averageSpeed = e.speed;
var updata = _.groupBy(data, function (e) {
return e.host;
var rptData = {};
for (var host in updata) {
rptData[host] = JSON.stringify(updata[host]);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "track", detail: { type: 91 } });
$.post(reportUrl, rptData);
localStorage["serverStorage"] = JSON.stringify(serverStorage);
} else {
if (_.flatten(serverStorage.validList).length < 5) {
inupdateMode = true;
serverStorage.validList = [];
} else {
localStorage["serverStorage"] = JSON.stringify(serverStorage);
var applyServerLoop = function () {
_.each(currentServer, function (e) {
if (e.ip)
window.external.LieBaoSetHostAddress(e.host, e.ip, 1);
setInterval(applyServerLoop, 20000);
var applyServer = function (host, ip) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "track", detail: { type: 92, values: [ip] } });
if (ip) {
window.external.LieBaoSetHostAddress(host, ip, 1);
} else {
window.external.LieBaoSetHostAddress(host, localDns[host][0], 0);
//if (initialChange)
// chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "showNotification", detail: { title: "订票助手提示", message: "服务器访问不流畅,已经为您切换服务器。", iconUrl: "/icons/icon_128.png" } });
var testLoopSleepTime = 20000;
var testServerLoop = function () {
//if (entry12306) {
// var testCallback = function (time) {
// var server = servers[serverIndex];
// var host = server.host;
// if (CFG_MANGER.config.enableServerAutoChange) {
// if (time > 3000 || (time > 500 && ++currentServer[host].count >= 5)) {
// currentServer[host].count = 0;
// if (!currentServer[host].ip) {
// //速度过慢,请求切换,策略随机选
// var targetList = serverStorage.validList[host];
// var target = targetList[Math.floor(Math.random() * targetList.length)];
// if (target && target.ip && (targetList[0].speed < time || time <= 0)) {
// currentServer[host].rate = Math.max(Math.floor((target.speed - time) * 1000 / time), 10) / 10;
// currentServer[host].ip = target.ip;
// applyServer(host, target.ip);
// //立刻重新测速
// setTimeout(testServerLoop, 1000);
// return;
// }
// } else {
// //实在找不到或已经设置过了,那就恢复默认吧。
// currentServer[host].ip = null;
// applyServer(host, null);
// setTimeout(testServerLoop, 1000);
// return;
// }
// } else {
// currentServer[host].speed = time;
// currentServer[host].count = 0;
// }
// }
// chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverStateChange", detail: { state: serverStorage.status } });
// serverIndex++;
// if (serverIndex >= servers.length) {
// serverIndex = 0;
// if (!initialChange && entry12306) {
// //初始化的时候自动选择一次
// var selected = [];
// _.each(currentServer, function (e, h) {
// var list = serverStorage.validList[h];
// if (!list || !list.length) return;
// if (e.speed > list[0].speed) {
// var rate = Math.max(Math.floor((e.speed - list[0].speed) * 1000 / e.speed), 10) / 10;
// e.ip = list[0].ip;
// e.speed = list[0].speed;
// e.rate = rate;
// applyServer(h, e.ip);
// selected.push(e.ip + "(加速 " + rate + "%)");
// }
// });
// if (selected.length) {
// chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "showNotification", detail: { title: "订票助手已优化服务器", message: "订票助手已为您选择最快的服务器:" + selected.join("; ") + "。", iconUrl: "/icons/icon_128.png" } });
// }
// chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "serverStateChange", detail: { state: serverStorage.status } });
// initialChange = true;
// }
// setTimeout(testServerLoop, testLoopSleepTime);
// testLoopSleepTime += 5000;
// } else {
// testServerLoop();
// }
// };
// testUrlSpeed(servers[serverIndex].url, testCallback);
//} else {
// setTimeout(testServerLoop, 5000);
var testUrlSpeed = function (url, callback) {
var n = new Date();
$.ajax(url, { dataType: "text", method: "GET", timeout: 3000 }).done(function () {
callback(new Date() - n);
}).fail(function () {
var checkAndStart = function () {
if (localStorage['serverStorage']) {
serverStorage = JSON.parse(localStorage['serverStorage']);
serverStorage.enableDirectAccess = enableDirectAccess;
if (!serverStorage.lastUpdate || (new Date().getTime() / 3600000) - new Date(serverStorage.lastUpdate).getTime() / 3600000 >= 12 || serverStorage.validList.length < 5) {
inupdateMode = true;
serverStorage.validList = [];
} else {
serverlist = serverStorage.validList;
var boot = function () {
var failedCount = 0;
_.each(servers, function (e) {
localDns[e.host] = _.filter(window.external.LieBaoLookupDnsAddress(e.host, 'false').split(';'), function (e) { return e || false; });
if (!localDns[e.host] || !localDns[e.host].length)
if (failedCount) {
valid = -1;
ajaxWrapper("https://" + localDns['kyfw.12306.cn'][0] + "/otn/", "kyfw.12306.cn").done(function () {
}).fail(function () {
valid = -1;
var booted = false;
var triggerUpdate = function () {
localStorage["lastUsed"] = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 86400000);
if (!booted) {
booted = true;
entry12306 = true;
var parseJson = function (text) {
try {
return JSON.parse(text);
} catch (e) {
if (isDebug)
console.log("WARNING: unable to parse json response. content -> " + text);
return null;
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (!m || !m.action)
if (m.action === 'triggerUpdate') {
} else if (m.action === "directAccess") {
var data = m.data;
var host = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)\//.exec(data.url) && RegExp.$1;;
var hostip = null;
var hostindex = 0;
if (enableDirectAccess && host && serverStorage.validList && serverStorage.validList[host] && serverStorage.validList[host].length) {
var hosts = serverStorage.validList[host];
hostindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * hosts.length);
hostip = hosts[hostindex];
data.url = data.url.replace("//" + host, "//" + hostip.ip);
if (hostip) {
//build header
var headers = [];
if (data.headers) {
for (var i in data.headers) {
var key = i;
if (key.indexOf("Fish-") === 0)
key = key.substr(5);
headers.push(key + ": " + data.headers[i]);
headers.push("Host: " + host);
//using direct access
if (data.data) {
data.url += "?" + $.param(data.data);
if (isDebug)
console.log("direct access to url " + data.url);
function (response) {
if (isDebug)
console.log("direct access response received. data: ", response);
(function (success, status, text, rHeader, base64) {
if (!success || status !== 200) {
r([false, status, status, text, rHeader || "", null]);
//block error ip
hostip.failedCount = (hostip.failedCount || 0) + 1;
console.log("bad response for host [" + hostip.ip + "], increase failed counter. current at " + hostip.failedCount);
if (hostip.failedCount > 3) {
//block error ip
serverStorage.validList[host].splice(hostindex, 1);
console.log("bad response for host [" + hostip.ip + "] failed too many times, removed from validlist.");
localStorage["serverStorage"] = JSON.stringify(serverStorage);
} else {
r([true, status, status, text, rHeader || "", parseJson(text)]);
}).apply(this, parseJson(response));
} else {
//doing a regular access
$.ajax(data).done(function (result, status, xhr) {
r([true, xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.responseText, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), result]);
}).fail(function (xhr) {
r([false, xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.responseText, "", null]);
return true;
chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (m && m.action === 'triggerUpdate') {
setInterval(function () {
entry12306 = false;
chrome.tabs.query({ url: "*://*.12306.cn/*" }, function (a) {
entry12306 |= a && a.length > 0;
chrome.tabs.query({ url: "*://12306.liebao.cn/*" }, function (a) {
entry12306 |= a && a.length > 0;
}, 20000);
//#region 统计
(function statModule() {
var url1 = "http://liebao.tjweb.ijinshan.com/click/__infoc.gif?actionname=liebao_80";
var trackback = function (type, values) {
values = values || [];
var data = { type: type };
for (var index in values) {
if (values[index]) {
data["value" + (parseInt(index) + 1)] = values[index] + '';
$.get(url1, data);
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (!m || !m.action || m.action !== 'track')
trackback(m.detail.type, m.detail.values);
chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (!m || !m.action || m.action !== 'track')
trackback(m.detail.type, m.detail.values);
trackback(99, [MANIFEST.version, bv]);
//#region 版本更新
(function versionUpdateModule() {
//var cv = parseInt(/Chrome\/(\d+)/i.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]);
//var updateurl = "http://www.fishlee.net/service/update2/44/" + (cv < 34 ? "44" : "60") + "/version_v6.json?" + Math.random();
var updateurl = "http://srv.12306.liebao.cn/data/version_v6.json?" + Math.random();
var lastCheckUpdate = null;
var hasUpdate = false, lastVersion = null, lastMessage = null, updateInfo = null;
var compareVersion = function (v1, v2) {
var vv1 = v1.split('.');
var vv2 = v2.split('.');
var length = Math.min(vv1.length, vv2.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var s1 = parseInt(vv1[i]);
var s2 = parseInt(vv2[i]);
if (s1 < s2) return -1;
if (s1 > s2) return 1;
return vv1.length > vv2.length ? 1 : vv1.length < vv2.length ? -1 : 0;
var checkUpdate = function () {
$.getJSON(updateurl, function (data) {
updateInfo = data;
lastVersion = data.version;
lastMessage = data.notify;
updateInfo.hasUpdate = hasUpdate = compareVersion(MANIFEST.version, data.version) < 0;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "updateInfoRefreshed", detail: updateInfo });
lastCheckUpdate = new Date();
var msgCallback = function (m, s, r) {
if (!m || !m.action)
if (m.action === 'getUpdateInfo')
else if (m.action === 'getVersionInfo')
r({ curVersion: MANIFEST.version, updateInfo: updateInfo });
else if (m.action === 'triggerUpdate') {
if (!lastCheckUpdate || (new Date() - lastCheckUpdate) >= 1200000) {
} else if (m.action === "getBv") {
r({ bv: bv });
//TODO 移除内建的检查更新机制,因为这个不是很必须
//#region Captcha
(function webCaptchaModule() {
var msgCallback = function (m, s, r) {
if (m && m.action === 'captcha' && CFG_MANGER.config.captchaServerUrl) {
var code;
$.ajax(CFG_MANGER.config.captchaServerUrl, {
method: "POST",
data: { pic: m.detail.base64, sign: window.external.LieBaoSign(m.detail.base64) },
timeout: 3000
}).done(function (data) {
code = data.success ? data.code.replace(/\s/g, "") : "";
}).fail(function () {
code = "";
}).always(function () {
r({ code: code });
return true;
//#region 配置同步和网页上的提示接口
(function webStorageInterface() {
var msgCallback = function (m, s, r) {
if (m.action === "getStorage")
r({ action: "sendStorage", detail: localStorage });
else if (m.action === "setStorage" && m.detail) {
_.each(m.detail, function (v, k) {
if (v)
localStorage.setItem(k, v);
else localStorage.removeItem(k);
r({ action: "sendStorage", detail: m.detail });
} else if (m.action === "notify") {
var notify = new Notification(m.title || "订票助手", { body: m.content || null, icon: "/icons/icon_n.png" });
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
//#region 聊天系统
(function chatModule() {
var ports = [];
var msgQueue = [];
var lastMessages = [];
var checkPortTimer = null;
var clearPortTimer = function () {
lastMessages = [];
msgQueue = [];
checkPortTimer = null;
var portOnMessage = function (msg, port) {
if (!msg || !msg.action)
switch (msg.action) {
case "getChatServerStatus":
serverMgr.loadServers(function (servers) {
port.postMessage({ action: "responseServer", detail: servers });
case "getCurrentRoomInfo":
port.postMessage({ action: "responseCurrentRoomInfo", detail: serverConnection.currentRoom });
case "enterChatRoom":
case "chatRoomSendMsg":
//if (!msg.detail.roomid)
// msg.detail.roomid = serverConnection.currentRoom.id;
//$.post("http://12306.liebao.cn/index.php?r=Api/SentMessage", {
// data: JSON.stringify(msg)
//}).done(function (result) {
// if (result.resCode === 0) {
// } else {
// port.postMessage({ action: "sendMessageFailed", detail: result.message });
// }
//}).fail(function () {
// port.postMessage({ action: "sendMessageFailed", detail: "聊天服务器繁忙,发送失败" });
case "disconnectChatRoom":
lastMessages = [];
msgQueue = [];
var portOnDisconnect = function (port) {
var idx = _.indexOf(ports, port);
if (idx > -1) {
ports.splice(idx, 1);
if (!checkPortTimer && ports.length === 0)
checkPortTimer = setTimeout(clearPortTimer, 30 * 60 * 1000);
var postMessageToPort = function (msg) {
if (msg && msg.action === "chatRoomReceiveMsg") {
if (!ports.length) {
lastMessages.length > 20 && lastMessages.splice(0, 1);
ports.forEach(function (p) {
if (msg && msg.action === "chatRoomConnected") {
if (lastMessages.length) {
lastMessages.forEach(function (m) {
ports.forEach(function (p) {
if (msgQueue.length) {
msgQueue.forEach(function (m) {
ports.forEach(function (p) {
msgQueue = [];
chrome.runtime.onConnectExternal.addListener(function (port) {
if (checkPortTimer) {
checkPortTimer = null;
var serverMgr = (function chatServerManager() {
var isServerLoaded = null;
var isInServerLoading = false;
var servers = null;
var callbackQueue = [];
var lastLoad = null;
var setRoomCount = function (id, count) {
if (!servers)
var room = _.findWhere(servers, { id: id });
if (room) room.onlinecount = count;
var execCallback = function () {
var callback;
while (callbackQueue.length) {
(callback = callbackQueue.pop()) && callback(servers);
var loadServers = function (callback) {
if (!callback)
if (isServerLoaded && lastLoad && (new Date() - lastLoad) < 1000 * 60 * 10)
else {
if (!isInServerLoading) {
isInServerLoading = true;
$.get(CFG_MANGER.config.chatServerApi, null, null, "json").done(function (data) {
servers = data;
isInServerLoading = false;
isServerLoaded = true;
}).fail(function () {
servers = null;
isInServerLoading = false;
}).always(function () {
lastLoad = new Date();
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (!m || !m.action)
if (m.action === "serverStateChange" || m.action === "sysConfigUpdate")
return {
loadServers: loadServers,
setRoomCount: setRoomCount
var serverConnection = (function () {
var currentRoom = null;
var socket = null;
var that = this;
var roomId;
var connect = function (room) {
currentRoom = room;
var url = currentRoom.url;
if (socket !== null && room.id !== roomId)
roomId = room.id;
if (socket === null) {
socket = new WebSocket(url, []);
socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
socket.onclose = function () {
socket = null;
postMessageToPort({ action: "chatRoomDisconnected" });
socket.onopen = function () {
postMessageToPort({ action: "chatRoomConnected" });
socket.onmessage = function (e) {
var buffer = new Uint8Array(e.data);
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
postMessageToPort({ action: "chatRoomReceiveMsg", detail: { buffer: data } });
socket.onerror = function () {
try {
} catch (e) {
postMessageToPort({ action: "chatRoomConnecting" });
} else {
postMessageToPort({ action: "chatRoomConnected" });
var sendMsg = function (msg) {
if (socket !== null) {
socket.send(new Uint8Array(msg).buffer);
var disconnect = function () {
if (socket) {
socket = null;
currentRoom = null;
roomId = null;
var ret = {
connect: connect,
disconnect: disconnect,
sendMsg: sendMsg
Object.defineProperty(ret, "currentRoom", {
get: function () {
return currentRoom;
return ret;
//#region 定时提醒
(function TimerAlerm() {
var tasks = JSON.parse(localStorage["alarm"] || "[]");
var buttonImgUrl = "/infobar/theme/plus_16.png";
var iconLeft = "/icons/icon_n.png";
var checkTimer = null;
var alarmData = {};
var saveAlarm = function () {
localStorage["alarm"] = JSON.stringify(tasks);
var buttonClickCallback = function (btnId, index) {
if (!alarmData[btnId])
var task = alarmData[btnId];
var data = task.data;
delete alarmData[btnId];
active: true,
url: "http://12306.liebao.cn/#ALARM-" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data))
var checkForAlarm = function () {
checkTimer = null;
var hasChange = false;
var alarms = {};
while (tasks.length > 0 && tasks[0].time <= new Date().getTime()) {
var task = tasks.shift();
alarms[task.group] = task;
hasChange = true;
if (hasChange) {
_.each(alarms, function (task) {
var id = "ALARM-" + task.data.fromCode + "-" + task.data.toCode + new Date().getTime();
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "track", detail: { type: 132, values: [task.type || 0, task.point || 0] } });
chrome.notifications.create(id, {
type: "basic",
iconUrl: iconLeft,
title: task.group,
message: task.text,
buttons: [
{ title: "立刻打开订票页面", iconUrl: buttonImgUrl }
}, function (_id) {
id = _id;
alarmData[id] = task;
setTimeout(function () {
delete alarmData[_id];
chrome.notifications.clear(_id, function () { });
}, 10000);
if (tasks.length)
checkTimer = setTimeout(checkForAlarm, 30000);
if (hasChange)
chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(function (m, s, r) {
if (!m || !m.action || m.action !== 'setAlarmTask')
var newtasks = m.detail;
_.each(newtasks, function (t) {
tasks.sort(function (x, y) {
return x.time - y.time;
if (!checkTimer)