302 lines
8.1 KiB
302 lines
8.1 KiB
var i18n = {
t_d: "动车",
t_g: "高铁",
t_k: "普客",
t_zt: "直达或特快"
var seatType = {
'9': "商务",
"P": "特等",
"M": "一等",
"O": "二等",
"6": "高软",
"4": "软卧",
"3": "硬卧",
"2": "软座",
"1": "硬座",
"0": "无座"
var seatTypeFull = {
'9': "商务座",
"P": "特等座",
"M": "一等座",
"O": "二等座",
"6": "高软软卧",
"4": "软卧",
"3": "硬卧",
"2": "软座",
"1": "硬座",
"0": "无座"
var seatTypeDisplayOrder = "9PMO643210";
var sysConfig = null;
var NONINFOBARMODE = location.search.length <= 4 || !parseInt(location.search.slice(4));
var LARGEICON = "/icons/icon_128.png";
var ISOTN = location.search.indexOf("?new") === 0;
var evtTag = Math.random() + '';
function compressFunc() {
return false;
$(function () {
$("a[data-toggle=tooltip], label[data-toggle=tooltip], input[data-toggle=tooltip], button[data-toggle=tooltip]").bsTooltip();
selector: "[data-toggle=popover]"
var log = new function () {
var isDebug = (compressFunc + '').indexOf("false") != -1;
this.print = function () {
/// <summary>向控制台打印消息</summary>
if (!isDebug) return;
console.log.apply(console, $.makeArray(arguments));
var message = (function () {
var messageProcessor = function () {
var __ = this;
var actionMap = {};
chrome.tabs.getCurrent(function (t) {
__.tab = t;
__.tabid = t.id;
__.host = ISOTN ? "http://kyfw.12306.cn/" : "http://dynamic.12306.cn/";
} else {
__.tabid = parseInt(location.search.substr(4));
chrome.tabs.get(__.tabid, function (t) {
__.tab = t;
__.host = /(https?:\/\/[a-z]+\.12306.cn\/)/.exec(t.url) && RegExp.$1;
ISOTN = __.tab.url.indexOf("/otn") !== -1;
this.sendToTab = function (message, callback) {
if (!__.tabid) return;
message = $.extend(message, { tag: evtTag });
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(__.tabid, message, callback || function () { });
this.send = function (message, callback) {
message = $.extend(message, { tag: evtTag });
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(message, callback || function () { });
this.sendActionToTab = function (action, detail, callback) {
if (!__.tabid) return;
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(__.tabid, { action: action, tag: evtTag, detail: detail }, callback || function () { });
this.sendAction = function (action, detail, callback) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: action, tag: evtTag, detail: detail }, callback || function () { });
this.addAction = function (name, callback) {
var actionQueue = actionMap[name] = actionMap[name] || [];
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message, sender, response) {
if ((sender.tab && sender.tab.id != __.tabid && sender.tab.url.indexOf("background.html") == -1) || !message || !message.action || (message.tag && message.tag === evtTag)) return;
var action = message.action;
var queue = actionMap[action];
if (!queue) return;
$.each(queue, function () {
this.call(message.detail, response, message, sender);
var mp = new messageProcessor();
mp.addAction("sysConfigUpdate", function () {
log.print("NONINFOBAR mode, dispatch messages to tab.");
mp.sendToTab({ action: "sysConfigUpdate", detail: this });
return mp;
var notification = (function () {
var notify = function () {
var __ = this;
var notifyMap = {};
this.mapParam = function (opts) {
return {
type: opts.type || "basic",
title: opts.title || "提示",
message: opts.message || "",
iconUrl: opts.iconUrl || "/icons/icon_128.png",
//contextMessage: opts.contextMessage || "",
priority: opts.priority || 0,
eventTime: opts.eventTime || null,
buttons: _.map(opts.buttons, function (e) {
return { title: e.title, iconUrl: e.iconUrl };
}) || null,
imageUrl: opts.imageUrl || null,
items: _.map(opts.items, function (e) {
return { title: e.title, message: e.message };
}) || null//,
//progress: opts.progress || null,
//isClickable: opts.isClickable || true
__.create = function (opts) {
var opt = __.mapParam(opts);
var id = opts.id || "";
chrome.notifications.create(id, opt, function (_id) {
notifyMap[_id] = opts;
opts.id = _id;
opts.update = function () {
opts.clear = function () {
__.update = function (opts) {
var opt = __.mapParam(opts);
chrome.notifications.update(opts.id, opt, function () {
opts.onUpdate && opts.onUpdate.apply(opts, $.makeArray(arguments));
__.clear = function (id) {
chrome.notifications.clear(id, function () {
opts.onClear && opts.onClear.apply(opts, $.makeArray(arguments));
__.getAll = function (callback) {
__.getPermissionLevel = function (callback) {
chrome.notifications.onClicked.addListener(function (id) {
var opts = notifyMap[id];
if (opts === undefined || opts === null) return;
if ($.isFunction(opts.onClick)) {
chrome.notifications.onClosed.addListener(function (id, byUser) {
var opts = notifyMap[id];
if (opts === undefined || opts === null) return;
if ($.isFunction(opts.onClose)) {
opts.onClose.apply(this, [byUser]);
chrome.notifications.onButtonClicked.addListener(function (id, index) {
var opts = notifyMap[id];
if (opts === undefined || opts === null) return;
var button = opts.buttons && opts.buttons[index];
if (!button || !$.isFunction(button.onClick)) return;
message.addAction("pageNotification", function () {
message.addAction("pageNotify", function () {
return new notify();
(function initGlobalConfig() {
var $doc = $(document);
var suspendMessage = false;
var refreshValue = function () {
$("input[data-sysconfigkey], select[data-sysconfigkey]").each(function () {
var ele = this;
var $ele = $(this);
var type = ele.type;
var key = ele.dataset.sysconfigkey;
var profile = sysConfig;
var propertyvalue = profile[key];
if (typeof propertyvalue === 'boolean') {
if (type === "radio") {
$("input[name=" + ele.name + "][value=" + (propertyvalue ? 1 : 0) + "]")[0].checked = true;
} else if (type === "checkbox") {
ele.checked = propertyvalue;
} else {
$ele.val(propertyvalue ? "1" : "0");
} else {
$doc.on("change", "[data-sysconfigkey]", function () {
var ele = this;
var $ele = $(this);
var type = ele.type;
var key = ele.dataset.sysconfigkey;
var profile = sysConfig;
var propertyvalue = profile[key];
if (typeof propertyvalue === 'boolean') {
if (type == "radio") {
profile[key] = $("input[name=" + ele.name + "]:checked")[0].value == "1";
} else if (type === "checkbox") {
profile[key] = ele.checked;
} else {
profile[key] = $ele.val() == "1";
} else if (typeof propertyvalue === 'number') {
profile[key] = parseInt($ele.val() + '');
} else {
profile[key] = $.trim($ele.val());
suspendMessage = true;
log.print("SYSCONFIG changed by user action. sending message to notify clients.");
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "sysConfigUpdate", detail: sysConfig });
suspendMessage = false;
$(document).on("sysConfigUpdated", refreshValue);
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: "getSysConfig" }, function (message) {
if (typeof message === 'undefined' || !message) {
log.print("sysconfig updated.");
sysConfig = message.detail;
message.addAction("sysConfigUpdate", function () {
if (suspendMessage) return;
sysConfig = this;